Fullstory Integration
Gain insight into the latest version of Fullstory, with the features and improvements that make it perfect for your business.
Are you recording user sessions and doing product analytics on Fullstory? With our integration, you can send Appcues events to Fullstory, so that they are included in user sessions.
Enable Fullstory on your integrations page by clicking on the card and then selecting Connect.

Appcues events appear in the Fullstory session timeline on a general level, such as Flow Completed, Flow Started, Step Skipped, etc, and you can view further details like event properties by expanding individual events.

You can also use Fullstory's event filtering feature to create Segments or Metrics based on Appcues activity:

What data is sent from Appcues to Fullstory?
The following events are sent from Appcues to Fullstory when the integration is enabled: flow events, form events, NPS events, checklist events, pin events, and custom events.
flow_started | form_submitted | checklist_skipped |
flow_completed | form_field_submitted | checklist_dismissed |
flow_skipped | nps_feedback | checklist_item_started |
flow_aborted | nps_score | checklist_item_completed |
step_started | nps_clicked_update_nps_score | appcues_custom (CTT Events) |
step_completed | nps_ask_me_later_selected_at | v2:experience_started |
step_skipped | nps_survey_started | v2:step_seen |
step_interacted | checklist_shown | v2:icon_seen |
step_aborted | checklist_completed | v2:step_interaction |
Builder track event |
Use Case Examples: