Learn how to configure and send NPS surveys to measure customer sentiment, satisfaction, and loyalty.
Table of Contents
Appcues for NPS is the easiest way for product-led organizations to measure customer satisfaction - and it's built right into Appcues. It surveys a sample of your whole user base on an ongoing basis, which means you set it up once and then get new responses every day.
Since Appcues for NPS is built on top of the Appcues platform, it allows you to exclude any users who should never see it (such as free trialers) and allows you to slice and dice the results by user property. You can even target Appcues flows at users based on their most recent Net Promoter Score.
What is NPS?
Net Promoter Score® (NPS), is a proven metric for measuring customer sentiment, satisfaction, and loyalty. It was developed and tested by Bain & Company, and Appcues for NPS is the first NPS tool created specifically for product-forward organizations to collect and calculate NPS and qualitative feedback in the least disruptive way for the end-user.
Getting Started with Appcues for NPS
In order to create a fluid in-app experience for your users, we recommend customizing your NPS survey so that it matches your website's colors and brands.
With Appcues for NPS, you can adjust the colors and question text for NPS surveys. Here is how to get started:
1. Start At Your NPS Dashboard
Visit your NPS dashboard at
2. Start Editing Your Survey
Click on the purple "Edit Survey" button in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard. This will bring you to a series of screens that will allow you to customize the look and feel of your survey.
Below we'll cover the rest of the steps to creating your NPS survey.
Choose Your NPS Color Theme
The first screen allows you to choose your NPS color theme. You can select a primary color; we recommend choosing a color to aligns with your website's theme and brand.
You can also choose whether you want a Dark or Light theme. If your website has a light background, we recommend selecting the "Dark Theme" option. If your website has a dark background, you should select the "Light Theme" option.
One thing to keep in mind is that throughout the process of editing your survey, you can see a preview at the bottom of the screen.
We can help you change the language of your NPS survey. If you would like to change the language of your NPS survey to something other than what is currently presented, reach out to us at Please note that we don't currently support multi-language NPS surveys, so only one language will be displayed.
Other Styling Questions
You cannot currently make other styling or content changes such as adjusting the size of the survey or the text of the buttons. If you have other styling use cases that you can't accomplish we'd love to hear from you - send us your use case here.
Edit Your NPS Questions
If you'd like to customize the question that is asked, you can continue to the second screen called "Content". We only recommend making minor changes such as changing "this product" to your company brand name.
NPS Targeting
Based on our research, we’ve come up with a standard audience setting for NPS Surveys that will allow you to receive feedback on your users throughout their journey with your product.
By default, your NPS Survey will show to 5% of all of your current active users on a given day on all domains that have Appcues installed and on any URL path of those domains. Your survey will also show once every 60 days after they have visited at least 5 pages of your site, OR after 7 days from when they click on “Ask Me Later”. If a user keeps clicking ‘Ask Me Later’, the NPS will show every 7 days until the user submits a response, after which it will show again after 60 days have passed.
These settings can be changed to match a frequency cycle and the audience segment that makes sense to your product (within some limitations mentioned below). Ideally, you’ll want to sample the most general audience on a rolling basis and responses should be spread out within each survey cycle.
Where will the survey appear? (Domain and URL)
Pages are defined by their URL path. You can include or exclude URL paths with this setting. "All pages, except certain ones" will exclude any pages that end with specified URL strings. "Only certain pages" will include any pages that end with specified URL strings, and exclude all others. For any other type of targeting, you can use "Advanced page targeting", which is identical to the page targeting for Appcues Flows.
After you install Appcues, you'll be able to set your NPS survey to specific domains. Alternatively, you can define the domains for targeting by adding them to your account settings.
If you haven't installed Appcues yet, you'll see "All domains with the Appcues SDK installed" like above.
When should the survey appear (frequency)?

"After a user sees this survey, how many days later should they be able to see it again?"
This frequency setting is defaulted to 60 days, with a minimum value of 15 days. This setting defines your survey's rolling cycle (once every X days).
"How many pages should a user visit in a session before they see the survey?"
To avoid interrupting your users' experience, we default to show this survey only after they have visited more than 5 pages of your site. You can change this setting to define a minimum number of page views before the survey triggers. Setting this value to 0 will allow the survey to show on first page view.
"When a user clicks 'Ask Me Later', for how many days should the survey be suppressed?"
Your NPS survey will delay for 7 days if users click "Ask Me Later". You can change this value up to 1 day less than the survey's frequency. So, if your survey is on a 60 day cycle, then the max value of the "Ask Me Later" delay is 59. A user who has snoozed the survey will not be part of the audience sampling percentage the next time and will be eligible again for the survey once this delay period has elapsed.
Who should see the survey? (Audience)
Before installation, you will not be able to change the settings in this section. After you've installed, you will be able to target only activated users.
Selecting “A segment of users” will allow you to choose a Segment that you've created in Studio.
What are activated users?
Activation is defined by the moment when a user experiences value in a product. This point varies from product to product. By targeting users who have activated, you can ensure that your NPS Survey will show only to a segment of users who have performed a certain action, and that action is a metric represented by a property on their user profile. Some example activation metrics are the user's account creation date or their subscription signup date. In the above example, we've used the subscription start date as our activation date property.
There are two configurations for targeting activated users. First is the timeframe, indicated by this slider:
This will define a threshold of days before your NPS Survey will begin to show to your activated users. An example would be to show your NPS Survey to users who subscribed to a paid plan more than 45 days ago.
The other configuration for targeting your activated users is selecting the name of the property that defines activation:
This dropdown will contain a list of user properties that are set by your Appcues installation. The selected field must collect values as UTC Unix timestamps in milliseconds. Additional details about user properties can be found here. If you are unsure about the user property to use, send us an email at
You can also exclude a subset of users by their emails. Be sure to select the correct field that your product uses to access the email of your users.
The user email field setting will also be used for your survey's dashboard so that you can more easily identify your survey respondents by email.
How many users will be sampled? (Sampling)
This setting allows you to spread your survey across the days within each cycle. This is particularly relevant for products with a large user base. By sampling a small portion of your user base each day, you can ensure a steady number of responses each day within each survey cycle.
Excluding users from NPS based on Flow
If you have previously used Appcues Flows to administer NPS surveys to your users, you can exclude those users from your Appcues for NPS survey.
After checking off the checkbox shown above, you will see a list of your Appcues flows by step groups. You can select multiple-step groups to build up your list of users to exclude in your NPS Survey.
You'll notice that these users will be excluded for X number of days. This setting will match the frequency cycle that you define under " After a user sees this survey, how many days later should they be able to see it again?"
This will help ensure that users who have seen your Appcues Flows that were created for NPS will fall into the same cadence as your new NPS Survey.
Test It Out With A Live Preview
When you advance to the final "Summary" screen after you select your audience targeting, click the purple " Test it out" button. This will display a real preview on the page.
NPS Analytics
NPS responses are added to the Appcues NPS dashboard in real-time. Check our documentation about NPS Analytics for a deeper dive: NPS Analytics.
How to Unpublish the NPS survey
You can unpublish the NPS survey by going to Step 4 of the survey settings and clicking the down arrow next to Push Changes. Here, you'll see the Unpublish option at the bottom.
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