Glossary of Appcues Terms
Learn what some of the key terms used by Appcues mean.
If you're new to Appcues there may be some terms that we use that aren't familiar.
This glossary is a quick reference to some common and useful terms that you may see when you're reading the Appcues docs or when you're building experiences in Appcues.
A/B Testing - Measuring the effectiveness of multiple versions of an experience in parallel. Related article: Flow variation A/B testing
Anonymous Users - End-users in your application that do not possess a unique User ID. This requires extra implementation.
App ID - An ID generated for an application in Appcues.
App Name - The name designated for an application by the developers.
App Version - The version generated by the developers when releasing an update to an application.
Appcues - An in-app user engagement platform that allows non-technical users to build experiences for product adoption.
Audience Targeting (Audience, Audience Rules) - The conditions that a user must satisfy in order to qualify for the experience.
Build URL - The specific URL that a flow or a step in a flow is built on.
Builder - The Appcues Chrome extension.
Checklist - An experience comprised of one or many items.
Click to Track (CTT) - Custom events that are built in Appcues using the Track Events option in the Builder.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - Language used to style HTML elements. Can be used to further customize Modals & Slideouts as well as Tooltips & Hotspots.
CSV Export - File that can be exported in Studio containing analytics for your users' experiences.
Debugger - A debugging tool that shows context about the installation of Appcues in an application as well as current flow information.
Device Model - The type of device, typically a phone or tablet that an application is installed in.
Diagnostics tool - A tool that provides context on the qualification status of flows or checklists for a particular user.
Environment (Domain) - The subdomain and domain for targeting. Can also refer to your entire application environment.
Event Analytics - Information about Events and the data gathered from Events.
Event Targeting - The event conditions that are used as part of Audience Targeting for an Experience. This can be used with Event Triggering or Page Triggering. Related article: Pro Tip: Event Triggering vs Event Targeting
Event Triggering - Triggering an experience based on an Event occurring. Related article: Pro Tip: Event Triggering vs Event Targeting
Events (Event) - An action that has occurred (or will occur). These can be Application Events, Track Events (from CTT), Flow Events, Checklist Events, or Pin Events.
Events Explorer (Event Analytics) - The analytics and tracking section of Studio for Events.
Experience - A general term for content that can show to users, examples of these are flows, checklists, NPS, and pins.
Flow - An experience comprised of one or many Steps.
Flow Priority - A feature to prioritize one flow over another. By giving flows a weight, this feature will dictate the order in which the flows will be shown to a user.
Frequency Limit - Functionality to set the maximum number of flows and NPS shown within a set period.
Goals (Goal) - Tracking of the desired action a user has taken after viewing a Flow.
Group - A collection of steps in a flow.
Hotspot - A beacon Step pattern that targets an element and expands the content when the user interacts with the beacon.
iFrames - A web page within a web page. Related article: Using Appcues with IFrames
Integration - An integration is a connection between Appcues and another product. Integrations can send data from Appcues to another product or from another product into Appcues. With some products, there will be an integration that sends data into Appcues as well as an integration that sends data from Appcues to the same product, these are typically called two-way integrations.
Issues Reporting - A section on your flow's analytics page with the most recent issues encountered by your users. Issues occur when Appcues cannot display a step due to a missing or incorrect selector.
Launchpad - A feature that shows a collection of content when users click an icon.
Localization - A feature that shows custom content based on a user's language.
MAUs (Monthly Active Users) - Total number of users who sign in to a platform in any given month. This includes anonymous users if implemented.
Mobile - A separate device that you can use for Appcues in your application.
Mobile Web - Web views in a mobile device.
Modal - A Step pattern that shows content and is typically larger and centered on-screen.
NPS - A Net Promoter Score Experience.
OS Version - The version of the operating system, for example iOS or Android, that a device is running.
Page (URL) - The Environment and Path for a page in an application or site.
Page Targeting - The page conditions that are set for where an Experience should be qualified to show. Page targeting is made up of Path and Environment.
Page Triggering - Triggering an Experience based on a Page Change.
Path (URL Path) - The portion of the URL after the Domain.
Permalink - A link that will bring a user directly to a specific URL and trigger an Experience.
Pins (Pin) - A persistent experience type separate from flows.
Properties - Information that's associated with a user with a Property Name and a Property Value.
Property Targeting - The event conditions that are used as part of Audience Targeting for an Experience.
Screen Title - The name set for a screen in a mobile application. This is similar to a page title.
Screen View - Mobile event that occurs when a user’s application loads a screen.
SDK - Appcues code that's loaded in an application to communicate with Appcues servers. Related article: Installation Overview
SDK Version - The version of the Appcues SDK that is used in the customer’s application.
Segments - Groups of users based on targeting criteria.
Selector - Used to target the HTML elements on our web pages that we want to style. Related article: CSS Selectors
Session ID - Generated by Appcues this is a string that indicates the current mobile session for a given user.
Session Resumed - Mobile event that occurs when an application is resumed after being backgrounded for more than 30 minutes.
Session Started - Mobile event that occurs when an application is started.
Settings (Conditions) - Criteria that are used for the Targeting or Experiences. This includes Trigger, Page Targeting, Frequency, and Audience Targeting.
Slideout - A Step pattern that shows content that loads in from offscreen.
Step - A piece of content that is part of a flow. Steps can be Modals, Slideouts, Hotspots, or Tooltips.
Step-group - A grouping that contains multiple single steps. Step-groups can only contain one type of step at a time.
Studio - The Appcues web app. The central management platform for experiences created in Appcues.
Targeting - The conditions that are used to set user qualification for an Experience.
Team - The members of a company that have access to an Appcues account.
Tooltip - A Step pattern that targets an element.
Trigger - The criteria for a flow to start. Triggers include Page Triggering and Event Triggering.
z-Index - A technical property that specifies the stack order of an element. Related article: How Appcues is Overlaid